Jackson, Troy

Troy is a ceramist that has not only taken the initiative to develop himself artistically, but has used his technical talents to construct and fire using his own kilns. Operating off the beaten path of easily available supplies and equipment, he has proved incredibly resourceful and flexible in the creation and manufacture of his ceramic pieces. Troy is also a very talented 2-D artist as well, working in a variety of media. His hand-built and wheel-thrown vessels not only signify a Southeastern motif but also express a Spanish, French and European influence. The award winning Cherokee artist has an Associates’ degree from Bacone College in Muskogee, a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, and later completed a Master Of Fine Arts program at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Troy also teaches sculpture and 3-D design at Bacone College in Muskogee Oklahoma. Clay sculptures are Troy’s choice of media as well as a near perfect means to express him-self in today’s society, along with family, culture, and most of all enjoyment. It has further been said that Troy is committed to advancing his ability as an artist and educator. Always ready to help others, with an attitude of humbleness and willingness to share his knowledge with other artists and art students.

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