Roberts, Tama

I was born and raised in Northeastern Oklahoma and still calsl it home today. As a citizen of the Cherokee Nation I feel not only is it my duty, however, but a necessity in life to create beauty out of the strangest of objects. Using nature as my resource and guide I am able to look past the initial findings and look deeper. Rescuing a gourd from its sleep, I scrape away all of the mold and dirt, to reveal a truly splendid creation. Each one is truly unique, with variations of colors and shapes with which to work. The introduction to gourds happened only a few short years ago, and came at a time that was very critical for me. Even though I loved to draw and paint as a child, I had to put those desires away to survive in the business world. Today I am happy to say that I have found the life/work/family balance that allows me to create

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